Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Letting go

Let go of:

  • people who don’t call you
  • the t-shirt from the ex, 
  • the insecurities about the way you dance, or sing, 
  • the shoes you’ve had in your closet for 6 years and are so raggedy but they still fit
  • that nagging feeling you’ll die alone
  • That one time somebody called you ugly, that one time you got dumped, that 10th time you got dumped
  • your fear of flying, 
  • your fear of never traveling, 
  • your fear of being the one who makes the first move, 
  • your fear of failure,
  • being so negative, feeling like you shouldn’t feel optimistic about things
  • the odd way you think your thighs and nose look, and being worried about how your hair frames your face
  • 86% of your doubt
  • the bad friend
  • having to go to the movies with somebody and not alone
  • staying home on a Friday, going out and feeling like you’d rather be home, feeling alone, 
  • pretending like you always WANT to be alone
  • getting caught in the rain without an umbrella, saying cheesy things about the rain
  • being worried you’re being too honest, being worried about being rejected
  • being worried about ordering dessert
  • being sad that your love life is kind of boring
  • constantly putting yourself down before somebody else does, being afraid of being disappointed, holding yourself back.
  • Feeling bad about being clumsy 
  • feeling bad your nails are always chipped
  • bad habits you cling onto
  • feeling guilty about thinking too much about the past
  • getting nervous about how you can’t quite grow up just yet
  • most of your guilt
  • feeling terrible about the things you haven’t done yet 
  • comparing yourself to people you aren’t
  • comparing others to the people they are not, that one or two or thirty people you know you should.

taken from think yogurt