This was my lunch on Friday. There's this shop in Bangsar Village II where the tablecloth is made of paper. The best part? The have a can full of Crayons on every table, so while waiting for your food you can sketch or doodle :) Great idea yes? And the place I'm talking about is "Canoodling".
So yeah, my internship ended last week. I was happy and sad at the same time. As with all things, there were good and bad. I'm obviously going to miss the good parts. But rest assured, there were more good from my internship than the bad parts.
I felt like time just zoomed past me though during the whole was weird in a way.. I suppose that's a good sign meaning I enjoyed it since I didn't dread it.
I'm on a week break and I start my final semester after the Chinese New Year break. I'm spending my break with family and friends because during my internship I was a bit anti-social, I was busy and by the time I got home I pass out almost every night-ridiculous i know, I wasn't used to the whole working idea ;) But I think I've gotten a hang of it. Still i felt like I haven't spend enough time especially with my family so this whole week is spending time with them.
Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating :)
*what I'm listening to now:
To those in Malaysia who have a long break this week- Have a good time, and if you're traveling, travel safely !
3 comments: must be super excited cause you gila crayon kan !
and awal2 kerja i pass out like u did jgak !
haahahha it was my second time there. my friend yg over excited than I was cos it was her first time. Nnt kita pergi ok Ad :)
yup.ada chance jumpa qil kne bwk ktrg pi sana.
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