Tuesday, 14 August 2012

My (not) so exciting packing adventures (Part 1)

When I first started the countdown, it was 48 more days until London. Fast forward, and BAM! 26 more days !

I haven't even started packing. So naturally I frantically started packing. 

But the question is, what to pack when going to study overseas? 

Here's what I grabbed while under the temporary panic attack (please try not to laugh)

This is how far I've gotten with "packing"

Yeah okay so it's not much, but hey at least i've started. That's progress, considering my procrastinating habit.

Although I am yet to pack any clothing items. 

Okay time to be honest, I hate packing. I don't know why. I hate packing and I hate unpacking. I usually throw a bunch of things into my suitcase a day or a few hours before my flight. So I usually have awkward mismatched clothes during my vacations, but I don't really care because it's a vacation. 

It's a different case altogether this time round. This is NOT a holiday. I am literally MOVING to another city. To a place where the weather is completely different from what I am used to. So, what should I pack to prepare myself for life in London? 

My first instinct : Everything in my closet. 

But that's just plain ridiculous. 

So I've come up with a few list. My first list is 

What to prepare

1) Suitcase - I know this is an obvious one but do bear with me, I have my reasons for including this on my list. So prefarbly, get a LARGE suitcase since obviously one would be there for a long time, so there is much to pack. But if like me, you do not own a large suitcase and do not want to purchase one, go to point number 2 

2) Boxes - I will be putting most of my things in boxes and organize it into categories. Eg; bedding, food, etc. This will make it possible for me to not have to squeeze  my clothes with a million other things I will be bringing. Also, it keeps all the things in good condition (nothing will be crumpled, smashed or squished) 

Part 2 will include a list of essential items to pack

But it is past midnight, I need to sleep in the hopes of  being able to make wise decision when I continue packing after a good long sleep.